ANC campaign puts acoustics on the career radar

ANC campaign puts acoustics on the career radar

13th August 2018

ANC, the Association of Noise Consultants, has launched a new online initiative designed to attract more students into acoustics.


The Association, the professional body representing consultants in acoustics, noise and vibration in the UK, has developed ‘#Explore Acoustics’ to signpost people to opportunities in the industry.


Featuring video interviews and in-depth case studies with students, graduates, professionals and academics in the industry, #Explore Acoustics has been introduced to address the current shortage of graduates joining the sector.


The campaign forms a cornerstone of ANC’s purpose to highlight the challenging, exciting and rewarding career opportunities available in acoustics, which utilise science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

All the information can be found at


ANC chair, Dan Saunders, said: “There are few other careers that can offer the financial rewards, opportunities for travel, and such diverse work opportunities than acoustics. Yet few people have even heard of it.


“It’s a great industry to be in and we hope #Explore Acoustics gives an insight into all the many opportunities offered.”