
Rising Star Award 2024

24th July 2024

The Award is for an individual who has made impressive progress or an outstanding contribution during the first five years of their career in acoustics – either within their own team or the acoustics profession as a whole, such as demonstrating:


  • What they have done for their organisation
  • What have they done for the wider industry?
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Acclaimed ‘acoustician comedian’ to speak at ANC Awards

10th June 2024

We are delighted to announce that the ‘acoustician comedian’ Tom Wrigglesworth will be joining us at the Crown Plaza in Birmingham next month for the ANC Awards.


Tom’s career path might, we believe, make him unique in our industry. After graduating from the University of Salford with a degree in acoustics, Tom moved from engineering to pursue his calling in comedy.



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CIBSE Journal covers ANC Build

31st May 2024

Information about our free guidance document on the recently published ‘Overheating’ Approved Document O (ADO) for England, has been featured on the CIBSE Journal website.


The Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) has created a free guidance document on the recently published ‘Overheating’ Approved Document O (ADO) for England.



After several enquiries seeking clarity over the acoustic...

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ANC Awards Shortlist Announced

28th May 2024

The ANC Awards shortlist for 2024 has been announced.


This initiative promotes and recognises excellence among UK acoustic consultants and looks for examples of work that displays innovation and originality in acoustic design, or approach to a particular project.


The awards will take at the ANC’s Annual Conference on Wednesday 3rd July at the Crowne Plaza...

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